Friday, February 17, 2023

Time doesn’t Change the Facts

[Knock on the door

Person: Who is it?

Voice: It's Dave, man. Open up.

Person: Dave who?

Voice: Dave... uh, Dave's still not here, man.

Person: Seriously? Dave, we've been over this. If you're not here, then who is?

Voice: No, no, man. I mean Dave is really not here. Like, he hasn't been here, and he's still not here.

Person: Are you pulling another one of your pranks, Dave?

Voice: No, man, I'm serious. Dave's still not here. He sent me to tell you.

Person: Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Where is Dave?

Voice: Well, he's not here. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Person: I can't deal with this right now. Dave, when you decide to be here, let me know.

Voice: Sure thing, man. But for now, Dave's still not here.

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