Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Alexi - (To the tune of "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow)

Her name was Alexi, she was a tuxedo cat,

With a bow on her collar and a sleek fur mat,

She would strut through the room with a feline grace,

And everyone would stop to admire her face.

Alexi, Tuxedo Queen,

The fanciest feline you've ever seen,

With a purr that could charm the whole town,

Alexi, Tuxedo, wearing her bow so brown.

Her whiskers were like moonbeams in the night,

And her tail swayed to a rhythm so light,

She'd lounge on the windowsill, looking so divine,

A tuxedo cat, with a style so fine.

Alexi, Tuxedo delight,

Her elegance shimmered in the soft moonlight,

With a meow that could make hearts swoon,

Alexi, Tuxedo, under the stars and the moon.

She danced through the living room, with a bow on her back,

Leaving pawprints of glamour in her track,

Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glow,

Alexi, Tuxedo, stealing the show.

Alexi, Tuxedo so grand,

In a world of yarn balls, she ruled the land,

With a charm that could make hearts melt,

Alexi, Tuxedo, in her bow, she dwelt. 

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