Saturday, March 4, 2023

Characters that you Meet.- Lord of Disappointing Wolves

 Name: Lord of Disappointing Wolves

Lord of the Disappointing Wolves

Alias: The Dejected Alpha

DOB: Unknown

Species: Supernatural Being (Shape-shifter)


The Lord of Disappointing Wolves, a mysterious and enigmatic figure, is known to lead a pack of supernatural wolves. Legend has it that he gained his title due to his peculiar ability to induce a sense of letdown and dissatisfaction in those who cross his path.

Physical Description:

The Lord of Disappointing Wolves is said to possess an imposing and regal presence. In his human form, he is often described as having piercing, disillusioned eyes that seem to reflect centuries of weariness. His hair is as dark as the shadows he commands, and he carries an aura of silent disappointment.


1. Shapeshifting: The Lord of Disappointing Wolves can transform seamlessly between human and wolf forms, allowing him to move undetected in both realms.

2. Aura of Disappointment: Those who encounter him often experience an inexplicable sense of letdown, as if their expectations have been dashed.


The Lord of Disappointing Wolves is rumored to reside in the shadowy depths of ancient forests, where his pack of supernatural wolves roams freely. The exact location of his lair remains a closely guarded secret.

Known Associates:

The Disheartened Lupines - A pack of wolves with supernatural abilities, each carrying a touch of disappointment in their howls.


Approach with care, as prolonged exposure to the Lord of Disappointing Wolves may lead to a lingering sense of disillusionment. Keep expectations in check when venturing into territories rumored to be under his influence.

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