Saturday, May 6, 2023

From Rubber Ducks to Stolen Valor: A 44-Year Military Journey

As I reflect on my 44-year journey since joining the military, there's a peculiar tale that encapsulates the twists and turns life can take. It all began with a jovial NCO who, for morale reasons, sang a song that echoed through the barracks – "I love little rubber ducks, old army trucks, girls under 10, and MEEEENNNN."

Fast forward 40 years, and the echoes of that peculiar song took an unexpected turn. The NCO's name resurfaced in the news, but not for the expected reasons one might assume. No, it wasn't a scandalous affair or an extraordinary career change to farming.

Instead, the headlines revealed a darker truth – stolen valour. The once-cheerful flag bearer at the local legion had adorned himself with medals he hadn't earned, a disrespectful act in the eyes of those who had served with honour.

This unexpected twist in the narrative serves as a stark reminder that people's journeys can take unpredictable paths. From rubber ducks and camaraderie to the betrayal of stolen valor, the story encapsulates the complexities of individuals and the unpredictable nature of life after the military. As we navigate the twists and turns, may we remember the importance of integrity, both in song and in the wearing of earned medals.

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