Friday, May 5, 2023

Highway of Despair: A Weed-Infused Encounter with a Broken-down Salesman

Have you ever stumbled upon an unexpected twist in life's journey? Picture this: a desolate highway, a broken-down car, and a salesman with a peculiar recycling venture. As fate would have it, I found myself in this unusual scenario, armed with nothing but a bag of weed.

As I approached the stranded salesman, it became evident that he specialized in recycling crucifixes. Now, recycling is a noble endeavor, but crucifixes? That was a new one for me. His worn-out pitch about turning old crucifixes into new symbols of hope left me both perplexed and amused.

In the spirit of camaraderie, I decided to share the contents of my bag of weed with him. As we passed the joint, a peculiar bond formed between two unlikely companions on the highway of despair. Amidst the broken-down car and recycled crucifixes, we found a moment of connection, sparked by the green herb and an appreciation for life's absurdities.

Perhaps, in that fleeting encounter, we both discovered a form of salvation – his through recycling and mine through the calming haze of cannabis. Life has a funny way of throwing unexpected curveballs, and sometimes, all you need is a bag of weed to roll with the punches and find a moment of shared humanity on the highway of despair.

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