Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dating Profile for Jesus

 Name: Jesus

Age: Mid-30s (eternally youthful)

Occupation: Savior of Humanity

About Me: 

Greetings, I'm Jesus, your friendly neighborhood miracle worker. I enjoy spreading love, kindness, and the occasional parable. Currently, I'm a bit lonely, only rocking 12 followers, so I'm looking to expand my social circle. In my free time, you can catch me exchanging honeybuns, turning water into wine, and perfecting the art of walking on water – though it did cost me a follower and a spleen during a tiff with the Romans. I'm not a fan of doing dishes, so expect lots of dining out. Dislikes include Romans, spears, and thorny crowns.

Fun Fact: I can make a mean fish taco out of, well, a few fish and some loaves of bread. Let's turn this water into a wining date! 🍷✨ #MiracleMatch #SaviorSeekingLove

Hit me up on the Playstation Network.

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