Sunday, November 19, 2023

Iron Banner turns a Wolf into a Pussy

Once upon a time, in the realm of the Iron Lords, there lived a Titan named "DontGoOutSad190," or so the bards sang. Bravely bold Sir Sean, as he was known, rode forth from Zone to Zone, or at least that's what the tales would have you believe. He professed not to fear death, singing the brave anthem, but when true peril loomed, he displayed a courage more befitting a frightened rabbit and we ain’t talking killer rabbit type either than a valiant Titan.

Oh, brave Sir Sean, not afraid to die, the bards sung. Yet, when faced with the gruesome prospects of being mashed into a pulp, eyes gouged out, or limbs hacked and mangled, the gallant façade crumbled. His head unsmashed, his heart untouched, and his liver unharmed, the cowardly Sir Sean chose the path of least resistance.

"That's, that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot," he exclaimed, abruptly ending the heroic narrative, leaving behind a legacy of swift retreats and unfulfilled bravado. In the saga of the Iron Lords, the tale of DontGoOutSad190 stood as a stark reminder that not all knights are cut from the same fearless cloth. Brave Sir Sean, a moniker misplaced, forever known for bravely running away.


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