Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Meanings according to Gorf


**Bungied (verb):**


To engage in the act of repeatedly postponing or altering the promised delivery date of a highly anticipated or pre-paid item, service, or experience. This term originated from the whimsical world of Gorf, where enchanted transactions sometimes involve unexpected twists and turns.


The devoted fans of the mystical Gorfian game, "Quest for the Crystal Riffs," found themselves unintentionally Bungied when the release date of the highly awaited expansion pack was consistently pushed back, leaving them in a state of suspense and anticipation.


"After eagerly pre-ordering the limited edition holographic concert tickets, Jake felt he had been Bungied when the event organizers continually shifted the show dates without providing a concrete explanation."


1. String-along

2. Elude-date

3. Delay-dance


1. Punctualize

2. Prompt-deliver

3. Time-assure

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