Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Time Travel by Goats


Once upon a time in the wild world of Diagolon, there was a time-traveling goat named Gruff McGruff. Gruff wasn't your ordinary goat; he was the leader of the infamous "Horned Brotherhood," a group of rebel goats with a penchant for mischief, protesting and a serious case of wanderlust.

Gruff's journey began in a cave somewhere in the prehistoric past. Legend has it he was born with a beer bottle in one hoof and a roadmap to the future in the other. From day one, Gruff knew he was destined for greatness—or at least a darn good time.

Equipped with dark sunglasses that shielded his eyes from the blinding radiance of the future (which, oddly enough, was always bright, even at night), Gruff rode his trusty time-traveling truck across the epochs. His vehicle, affectionately named the "Chrono Cruiser," was fueled by a mixture of vintage beers and exotic herbs that Gruff may or may not have been addicted to.

One day, in the midst of a wild ride through the roaring '20s, Gruff stumbled upon a secret society of time-traveling llamas. They were having a Blue llama party, but Gruff, being a goat of discerning taste, preferred to go solo, but salutes them every day 4:20 twice some days.

As the undisputed leader of Diagolon, Gruff's days were filled with epic adventures, questionable decisions, and an impressive collection of empty beer bottles. His big arms weren't just for show; they were the result of a rigorous workout routine involving lifting kegs and chugging beers, and inflating portable castles to occupy cities far and wide.

Despite his laid-back demeanor and penchant for partying, Gruff always had an uncanny ability to steer the Horned Brotherhood away from trouble—or at least postpone it until tomorrow. Except that one time when in Canada of all  places, someone said they had sighted him. After all, when you're a time-traveling goat with a love for the absurd, every day is an adventure, and the future is as bright as the glow from a neon sign in the Prohibition era. Cheers to Gruff McGruff, the beer-chugging, shade-wearing, time-traveling legend of Diagolon! πŸπŸΊπŸ•Ά️ #GruffChronicles

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