Friday, November 10, 2023

Thoughts on Remembrance Day in 2023

Standing on the precipice of Remembrance, t

Sad Shark

he eve laden with memories of a Cold War veteran, I find myself navigating a labyrinth of emotions, each turn revealing the tempest that silently rages beneath a veneer of calm. It's a journey where heightened senses tune into shadows and echoes, reminiscent of thunder, a symphony of anxiety triggered by innocuous sights, sounds, or scents. 

Haunting memories become ghosts in the corridors of my mind, turning every waking moment into a spectral encounter. Even sleep, my sanctuary, transforms into a battleground of nightmares. The brightest moments are tinged with a looming darkness, a constant reminder that scars run deep. 

the extinc Peacekeeper

Yet, amid this struggle, resilience emerges – a glimmer of hope that one day, the tempest may abate, and healing may embrace the wounded soul. As I reflect on my own battles, I can't help but draw parallels to the resilient spirits of the children of veterans. Like dandelions in the wind, they adapt to life's capricious winds, shining brightly in the spring, standing strong through the endless summer, and ensuring that, like poppies in a field, the sacrifices and stories of valor endure. In honoring them, we honor a legacy of courage that transcends generation 
🌼🍁 #LegacyOfValor #NeverForget


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