Friday, December 8, 2023

Someone Call 911 For The Whambulance, MPs Have To Work


In the mythical realm of Canadian politics, a historic event known as the Commons Massacre unfolded. The Conservatives, armed with the powerful Sword of Accountability, stormed the hallowed halls of Parliament. Their mission: to compel the Liberals to fulfill the sacred duties for which they were elected.

As the Conservatives approached, the Liberals trembled in fear, for they had long evaded their responsibilities, hiding behind bureaucratic mazes and empty promises. The Sword of Accountability gleamed in the hands of the Conservative leader, Sir Responsibility Seeker.

A fierce debate erupted, echoing through the chambers like thunder. The Conservatives demanded action, pointing to the neglected promises and unattended matters of national importance. The Liberals, however, clung desperately to their comfort zone of procrastination and blame-shifting.

As the tension reached its zenith, it seemed that the Commons Massacre was inevitable. But then, a miracle occurred. The citizens of the nation, tired of the endless charade, rose in unison. Their collective voice, a mighty roar, echoed across the land.

Faced with the wrath of an awakened electorate, the Liberals had no choice but to relent. The Sword of Accountability, though never unsheathed in violence, had achieved its purpose. The Commons Massacre, a metaphorical cleansing of political lethargy, resulted in the survival of democracy without a single casualty.

From that day forward, politicians across the land feared the Sword of Accountability, ensuring that they honored the trust bestowed upon them by the people. The Commons Massacre became a cautionary tale, a reminder that in the realm of governance, duty must prevail over complacency. And so, the mythical land of Canada flourished, its leaders ever mindful of their sworn responsibilities.

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