Showing posts with label PTSD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PTSD. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Peace in the Middle East - is the Local Economy


Once more, we are urging for a ceasefire—not merely a temporary pause. We embark on this plea cognizant of the fact that our fathers, and potentially we ourselves, have committed to multiple United Nations missions. Some return with memories that resonate positively, while others carry burdens that time won't erase. Some, tragically, give their all.

In undertaking these missions, we recognize that the frequency and intensity may surpass that of our fathers. This time, we have brought our sisters into the fold, only to return not only to an ungrateful nation but also to an uncontrollable, escalating specter, making generational trauma appear feeble in the realm of medical understanding.

We embark on these endeavors fully aware that our own children have, and some already continue to, engage in multiple peacekeeping missions. Our descendants find themselves cleaning up the mistakes of Great-Granddaddy, and yet, no one has declared, "Enough is enough." If Gaza refuses to acknowledge that terrorism and its tactics are a stain on the civilized world, why should we accept that peace is a tangible reality?

Friday, November 24, 2023

Harmony Amidst Chaos

 "Harmony Amidst Chaos"

As a veteran of three Peacekeeping Era tours, I find myself grappling with the complexities of Gaza. Inspired by Chris De Burgh's poignant "Spanish Train," which portrays the Lord and Devil locked in a tragic chess game with the bodies of souls, I've channeled my emotions into a digital art piece.

This artwork serves as a visual exploration of the delicate balance between empathy, concern, and a resounding call for peace. The symbolism within the piece reflects the profound impact of geopolitical conflicts on the lives of innocent civilians.

As a veteran intimately familiar with the challenges faced in achieving peace, I must express a somber perspective. This art piece, while theoretical, encapsulates the harsh reality that, in some instances, the path to peace might involve difficult decisions. In my experience, achieving lasting peace in Gaza may necessitate confronting and dismantling entities that perpetuate conflict.

The juxtaposition of the Lord and Devil playing chess serves as a metaphor for the complex power dynamics at play in the region. The ultimate goal, as depicted in the art, is to disrupt this destructive game and pave the way for a harmonious resolution.

It is my sincere hope that this artwork sparks conversations about the intricate web of emotions, challenges, and potential solutions surrounding the situation in Gaza, emphasizing the critical need for a lasting and genuine peace.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The soldier, weary and worn, trudges through the battlefield,

His heart pounding, his body aching, his spirit never healed. In this land of chaos, where danger lurks at every turn, He seeks solace, finding strength in the lessons he's learned.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for my rifle is my righteous weapon," he says under his breath. With each step, he marches on, with a purpose and a goal, Protecting his comrades, fighting for a cause that takes its toll.

He knows the horrors of war, the nightmares that haunt his sleep, But he clings to hope, for in his heart, faith runs deep. Beside him, his brothers stand, an unbreakable bond, Facing adversity together, in this cruel and unforgiving pond.

He longs for moments of respite, a chance to catch his breath, To find peace amidst the chaos, to escape the grip of death. "Lead me beside still waters," he pleads to the heavens above, Craving tranquility in a world fueled by hatred and love.

In the midst of the battleground, he finds a moment of peace, Amidst the chaos and destruction, a glimmer of release. He feels the presence of a higher power, a guiding light, Restoring his weary soul, giving him strength to continue the fight.

He knows that danger lurks just beyond the next hill, But he finds solace in the knowledge that he is never alone, still. "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me," he whispers with conviction, Trusting in a power greater than himself, finding solace in its depiction.

In the face of adversity, he stands tall and strong, For he knows that his purpose is to right the world's wrongs. With unwavering faith and a heart filled with resolve, He walks through the darkness, knowing that he will evolve.

Though the path may be treacherous, filled with trials and despair, He remains steadfast, knowing that someone out there cares. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life," He holds onto this promise, amidst the chaos and strife.

And when his days as a soldier come to an end, He'll look back at the battles fought, the wounds that never mend. But he'll know that he gave his all, fought with every ounce of might, And he'll find peace in knowing that he fought the good fight.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Lonely Math of Ones: Exploring Solitude and Companionship

In the realm of numbers, the singular figure 'one' often carries connotations of solitude and loneliness. However, let's embark on a mathematical and philosophical journey to unravel the complexity that arises when ones come together. Is one truly the loneliest number, or does its nature transform when united with others?

1. **The Loneliness of a Singular One:**

   - Delve into the perception of 'one' as a symbol of solitude and singularity.

   - Discuss cultural references, such as the song "One is the Loneliest Number" by Three Dog Night, that portray the solitary nature of 'one.'

2. **The Power of Pairing:**

   - Explore the transformative effect of pairing two ones together.

   - Introduce the idea that unity can diminish the sense of loneliness, creating a stronger and more harmonious presence.

3. **The Dynamics of Three:**

   - Add another layer by examining how the introduction of a third 'one' alters the equation.

   - Consider cultural or historical examples where a trio represents balance or completeness.

4. **Multiplying the Loneliness?**

   - Address the paradox of whether adding more ones could intensify or dilute the loneliness.

   - Discuss scenarios where large numbers of individuals might still feel isolated despite their collective presence.

5. **Philosophical Reflections:**

   - Encourage contemplation on the philosophical implications of loneliness and companionship within numerical symbolism.

   - Prompt readers to consider the broader metaphorical meanings that numbers can carry in our perceptions.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Mental Exercise Day

In the rhythm of pandemic-induced solitude, every second Thursday marks an unusual occurrence in my routine – a designated individual paid by the government takes me for a walk. Yes, you read that correctly; I am walked, much like our loyal canine companions. In the age of Covid, where isolation intertwines with treatment-resistant mood disorders, my mental Occupational Therapist has deemed walking and phone conversations as the remedy. As I navigate this peculiar chapter of life, I eagerly await the day when the echoes of Covid wane, and our lives return to a semblance of normalcy. Until then, I continue to step forward, one walk at a time, in the company of a paid companion. 🚶‍♂️🌳

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...