Showing posts with label Political Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Humour. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

High-Flying Corruption

In the heart of political power, a senior government official finds himself entangled in a web of corruption and deceit. When a savvy lobbyist offers him an enticing free vacation package worth a whopping $100,000, the official can't resist the allure of luxury. Little does he know, this extravagant getaway will become the center of a scandal that threatens to unravel his career and tarnish his reputation.

In a shameless display of entitlement, the official decides to exploit government resources for personal gain. He requisitions not one but two fully funded government airplanes along with their crews to transport him, his two children, and even his ex-wife to the exclusive vacation destination. The only cost incurred by the official is the purchase of economy class tickets for himself and his kids, while his ex-wife enjoys the privilege of a government-funded flight.

As the public catches wind of this audacious abuse of power, the scandal erupts, sparking widespread outrage and demands for accountability. The media delves into the intricate details of the official's extravagant vacation, exposing the extent of the misuse of taxpayer money for personal benefit.

Facing mounting pressure and a barrage of inquiries, the official must now navigate a treacherous political landscape. With his career on the line and his reputation in shambles, he must confront the consequences of his actions while attempting to salvage whatever remains of his credibility.

*High-Flying Corruption* is a gripping tale of greed, abuse of power, and the perilous consequences that unfold when those entrusted with public office succumb to the temptations of luxury at the expense of the very citizens they are sworn to serve. As the story unfolds, it explores themes of moral compromise, accountability, and the thin line between public service and personal indulgence.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Unexpected Flames: Toronto's Liberal Landscape Faces a Blaze of Discontent

Hello, readers and observers of the unexpected! Today, we turn our attention to an unusual scenario that unfolded in the heart of Toronto, Canada. Contrary to the title's suggestion, it wasn't a church or a business on fire, nor were the highways blocked by a downtown Gaza-like situation. Instead, it was the political landscape itself that faced an unexpected blaze, all under the watchful eye of the Liberal Party

Picture this: a city known for its diversity, politeness, and the iconic CN Tower standing tall against the skyline. However, recent events have thrown a curveball into the mix, as metaphorical flames licked at the edges of political discourse.

No, it's not a literal fire, but the political atmosphere has become undeniably heated. The blaze of discontent stems from a variety of issues - policy debates, economic concerns, and a sense of frustration that has been smoldering beneath the surface.

As the political fire rages, the landscape is changing. Public opinion, much like a building caught in the flames, has seen its structure shift. What was once steadfast support may now resemble the charred remains of burnt timber, questioning the resilience of the Liberal Party's foundations.

The metaphorical highways of public trust are indeed facing congestion. Just as a blocked route can create frustration and impede progress, the perceived missteps of the Liberal Party have caused roadblocks in the minds of voters. A clear path forward seems elusive in the face of discontent.

In the aftermath of such metaphorical flames, a crucial question arises: Will the Liberal Party engage in rebuilding the bridges of public trust, or will it consider relocating its political strategies to a more favorable landscape?

Political firefighters, in the form of party leaders and representatives, face the daunting task of dousing the flames of discontent. The water they wield consists of policies, communication strategies, and a commitment to address the concerns that fueled the fire in the first place.

So, as we observe the flames licking at the edges of Toronto's political landscape, we remain vigilant. Will the Liberal Party emerge as a phoenix from the ashes, rising with renewed strength and purpose, or will the political fire continue to burn, leaving behind a landscape forever changed?

As the embers glow and the city watches, one thing is certain: the flames of discontent have sparked a conversation that will shape the future of Toronto's political landscape. In this metaphorical blaze, the true test lies not just in extinguishing the flames but in rebuilding with resilience and addressing the concerns that fueled the fire. Stay tuned, for the political inferno is far from over. 🔥🏛️🇨🇦

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Maple MAGA: Unraveling the Political Drama

In the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian politics, a new term has emerged, sending ripples through the nation - Maple MAGA. This peculiar phrase, blending the iconic maple leaf with the acronym MAGA, has become a rallying cry for those aiming to challenge the status quo. But what exactly is Maple MAGA, and how is it shaping the political narrative across the country?

The Rise of Maple MAGA:

Maple MAGA is a term used to describe political stances, policies, or ideas that are seemingly impervious to defense through facts, stats, or tangible results, according to its critics. It's the shield for arguments that, when scrutinized, lack the substance to stand up to rigorous examination. In essence, it's a term born out of frustration, a label affixed to positions that might appear more emotional than rational.

Political Drama Unfolds:

In the heart of this Maple MAGA storm is the Shitty MP from Kingston, a figure both notorious and infamous for their approach to politics. As accusations of Maple MAGA being rampant within conservative circles gain momentum, the Shitty MP has retaliated with a Trump-like video, unleashing a barrage of accusations against the Conservative party.

The Rise and Fall of Marky:

Marky, the self-proclaimed Clown of the party, has found himself at the center of this political maelstrom. With nine years of being the perennial jester, Marky has, in the eyes of some, shone the bosses' boots and taken on a role reminiscent of a rooster strutting through a retirement home for chickens.

The Trumpian Tactics:

The video released by Marky adopts a page from the Trumpian playbook, using flamboyant language, accusatory tones, and a disregard for conventional political discourse. The spectacle unfolds like a theatrical performance, leaving viewers to question whether this is the new norm in Canadian politics.

As Maple MAGA continues to dominate political discussions, it's clear that the landscape is shifting. Accusations, counter-accusations, and dramatic videos are becoming the tools of the trade. In this era of political theatre, the lines between fact and fiction blur, leaving citizens to navigate the tumultuous waves of Maple MAGA.

As the Shitty MP from Kingston takes on the role of provocateur, and Marky struts proudly in his political retirement home, one can't help but wonder - what's next in this unpredictable chapter of Canadian politics? Only time will tell how Maple MAGA will shape the narrative and influence the political discourse across the nation.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Viewpoint - Epic Speeches

How we saw Mark give his Epic Speech
How Mark saw his Speech

In this political drama set within the hallowed halls of the Canadian Parliament, the seasoned member of Parliament, SP Marky, takes the floor for an impromptu and impassioned speech that unexpectedly captivates the nation. Marky's eloquence and charisma, combined with a timely and relevant message addressing key national issues, strike a chord with the public. The opposition, sensing an opportunity to align themselves with Marky's popular stance, strategically supports his proposals. The epic speech becomes a turning point, not only winning hearts and minds but also elevating the opposition's approval rating by three points in the polls. Gerrettson's unexpected collaboration with the opposition creates a ripple effect, challenging the traditional dynamics of parliamentary politics and leaving the audience intrigued by the potential for change in the Canadian political landscape

Saturday, December 2, 2023

How to support Terrorism with GOC support.

 In the bustling streets of Canadian cities, a new fashion trend has taken root, and it's none other than the Keffiyeh craze! Originally a traditional Middle Eastern garment, the Keffiyeh has found its way into the hearts and wardrobes of young fashionistas across the vast landscapes of Canada.

This versatile piece of fabric, known for its distinctive checkered pattern and cultural significance, has undergone a stylish transformation in the hands of Canadian trendsetters. Wrapped around shoulders, necks, or even creatively fashioned into headscarves, the Keffiyeh has become a symbol of solidarity and a bold fashion statement.

From the trendy boutiques of Toronto to the cool streets of Vancouver, girls are embracing the Keffiyeh with enthusiasm. The fusion of cultural appreciation and contemporary style has birthed a unique Canadian take on this ancient accessory. It's not just a piece of clothing; it's a statement that resonates with diversity and inclusivity.

As the maple leaves fall, signaling the arrival of autumn, the Keffiyeh adds a touch of warmth and flair to wardrobes across the nation. So, whether strolling through the vibrant markets of Montreal or enjoying the coastal breeze in Halifax, Canadian girls are proudly donning the Keffiyeh, turning tradition into a trend that unites cultures and showcases Canada's vibrant, inclusive spirit. 😍🍁 #KeffiyehCraze #CanadianFashionista

Friday, December 1, 2023

The Prime Minister that Saved Christmas


Once upon a snowy Canadian night, Justin Trudeau, adorned in a stylish yet slightly questionable holiday sweater, sipped maple syrup-infused hot cocoa by the fireplace. As he pondered the festivities, his trusty canine companion, Orange, wagged his tail with festive fervor.

Suddenly, they received an urgent call from the North Pole. Santa's sleigh had broken down, and Christmas was in peril! Trudeau, fueled by the spirit of diplomacy, knew he had to act. Donning his fanciest earmuffs, he and Orange embarked on a quest to save Christmas.

In their magical journey, they encountered moose-drawn sleds, apologetic snowmen, and even a group of politeness-imbued elves. Trudeau and Orange navigated the snowy landscapes, their mission clear: revive the holiday spirit.

Upon reaching the stranded Santa, Trudeau held a summit with the elves to fix the sleigh. Orange, being the doggo diplomat, mediated a dispute between a reindeer and a particularly stubborn snow hare.

With Christmas saved and diplomatic relations at an all-time high, Trudeau decided to commission a report addressing potential concerns about holiday traditions. The report, written in both official languages and accompanied by apologetic footnotes, stated that while Christmas was not inherently racist, it should be celebrated with cultural sensitivity.

The world rejoiced as Trudeau, Orange, and the newly united North Pole threw an epic multicultural holiday bash. Santa led the way with a diverse team of reindeer, and Orange became the honorary diplomat-in-chief.

And so, a tale of snowy diplomacy, festive rescue missions, and the quest for inclusivity became a cherished holiday legend in the Great White North. Trudeau and Orange, the dynamic duo, continued to spread joy, maple-flavored treats, and well-intentioned policies throughout the land. 🍁🎄🐾
#TrudeauSavesChristmas #OrangeTheDiplomat

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Time Travel by Goats


Once upon a time in the wild world of Diagolon, there was a time-traveling goat named Gruff McGruff. Gruff wasn't your ordinary goat; he was the leader of the infamous "Horned Brotherhood," a group of rebel goats with a penchant for mischief, protesting and a serious case of wanderlust.

Gruff's journey began in a cave somewhere in the prehistoric past. Legend has it he was born with a beer bottle in one hoof and a roadmap to the future in the other. From day one, Gruff knew he was destined for greatness—or at least a darn good time.

Equipped with dark sunglasses that shielded his eyes from the blinding radiance of the future (which, oddly enough, was always bright, even at night), Gruff rode his trusty time-traveling truck across the epochs. His vehicle, affectionately named the "Chrono Cruiser," was fueled by a mixture of vintage beers and exotic herbs that Gruff may or may not have been addicted to.

One day, in the midst of a wild ride through the roaring '20s, Gruff stumbled upon a secret society of time-traveling llamas. They were having a Blue llama party, but Gruff, being a goat of discerning taste, preferred to go solo, but salutes them every day 4:20 twice some days.

As the undisputed leader of Diagolon, Gruff's days were filled with epic adventures, questionable decisions, and an impressive collection of empty beer bottles. His big arms weren't just for show; they were the result of a rigorous workout routine involving lifting kegs and chugging beers, and inflating portable castles to occupy cities far and wide.

Despite his laid-back demeanor and penchant for partying, Gruff always had an uncanny ability to steer the Horned Brotherhood away from trouble—or at least postpone it until tomorrow. Except that one time when in Canada of all  places, someone said they had sighted him. After all, when you're a time-traveling goat with a love for the absurd, every day is an adventure, and the future is as bright as the glow from a neon sign in the Prohibition era. Cheers to Gruff McGruff, the beer-chugging, shade-wearing, time-traveling legend of Diagolon! 🐐🍺🕶️ #GruffChronicles

Monday, November 27, 2023

My Member of Parliament is Outstanding

Well in a field by himself. but outstanding netherless.

Oh, Member of Parliament , you're a beacon of brilliance,

Liberal Puppet SP Mark Gerrettson

Your wisdom, a guiding star in our political resilience.

Your eloquence, a symphony of sheer intellect,

Each word you utter, a gem, we must not forget.

With every speech, you enlighten our simple minds,

A maestro of governance, in your brilliance, one finds.

Your decisions, a dance of strategic finesse,

Oh, how fortunate we are to witness your political prowess.

Your promises, like unicorns, so rare and enchanting,

In the realm of accountability, you're truly outstanding.

Oh, representative supreme, your arrogance, a crown,

In the kingdom of self-importance, you'll never let us down.


Liberal Puppet SP Mark Gerrettson

Your constituents, mere mortals, stand in awe,

As you grace us with your presence, flawless and raw.

Oh, how we cherish the crumbs of your attention,

A gift, a privilege, beyond our comprehension.

So here's to you, dear representative divine,

In your grandeur, let our adulation shine.

May your reign be eternal, your speeches never-ending,

For in your presence, our minds are forever bending.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Inside Track

 In the whimsical world of fictional physics, the red piss ant's tripped brain idea-powered motorcycle faces a peculiar challenge when attempting to traverse a full loop of a Froot Loop. You see, the Froot Loop, despite its deliciously colorful and enticing appearance, possesses a unique curvature that interacts with the quantum fluctuations generated by the ant's tripped-out brain.

As the motorcycle zooms towards the loop, the ant's brain, fueled by its psychedelic escapades, inadvertently influences the gravitational constants within the Froot Loop vicinity. This causes a distortion in the space-time fabric, creating a localized wormhole that the motorcycle can't quite navigate. The ant, though possessing a groovy sense of direction in its altered state, finds itself stuck in a loop within the loop, reminiscent of a surreal time loop.

In this bizarre twist of fictional physics, the motorcycle and its ant rider end up in a perpetual journey through the psychedelic dimensions of the Froot Loop, forever enjoying the hallucinogenic wonders within the fruity confines of their cosmic loop adventure. 🍭🏍️🤯 #FrootLoopPhysics

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Land of Gorf weighs in on the Budget Update

"Okay, folks, gather 'round. We got a serious spectral issue here, and it's not some slimy green ghost wreaking havoc. No, it's something far scarier – the lack of budgetary balance. I've been busting ghosts for decades, but this, this is a whole new level of spooky.

You see, in the real world, we're haunted by these things called deficits. Yeah, they're like the ghosts of overspending past, present, and future. And let me tell ya, they're scarier than anything that ever crawled out of a haunted painting.

Now, I'm no financial expert, but even a guy who battles Stay Puft Marshmallow Men for a living can see when the numbers don't add up. It's like trying to catch Slimer with a butterfly net – frustrating and messy.

So, here we are, facing a budget that's more unbalanced than my golf swing after a night at the club. We're hemorrhaging money like a proton pack with a leak, and it's time to get our fiscal house in order. I mean, do we really want our economy to look like the aftermath of a ghost apocalypse?

I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, but nothing quite as bone-chilling as the national debt clock ticking away. We need to reel it in, tighten our belts, or whatever metaphor you want to use. Otherwise, we'll be facing a financial doomsday that not even the Ghostbusters can handle.

It's time to stop ghosting the issue and tackle it head-on. Balancing the budget may not be as exciting as zapping ghosts, but trust me, it's the real villain in this story. So, let's grab our fiscal proton packs, cross the streams of responsible spending, and save the day before we're all stuck in a never-ending loop of economic horror.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Thoughts on Remembrance Day in 2023

Standing on the precipice of Remembrance, t

Sad Shark

he eve laden with memories of a Cold War veteran, I find myself navigating a labyrinth of emotions, each turn revealing the tempest that silently rages beneath a veneer of calm. It's a journey where heightened senses tune into shadows and echoes, reminiscent of thunder, a symphony of anxiety triggered by innocuous sights, sounds, or scents. 

Haunting memories become ghosts in the corridors of my mind, turning every waking moment into a spectral encounter. Even sleep, my sanctuary, transforms into a battleground of nightmares. The brightest moments are tinged with a looming darkness, a constant reminder that scars run deep. 

the extinc Peacekeeper

Yet, amid this struggle, resilience emerges – a glimmer of hope that one day, the tempest may abate, and healing may embrace the wounded soul. As I reflect on my own battles, I can't help but draw parallels to the resilient spirits of the children of veterans. Like dandelions in the wind, they adapt to life's capricious winds, shining brightly in the spring, standing strong through the endless summer, and ensuring that, like poppies in a field, the sacrifices and stories of valor endure. In honoring them, we honor a legacy of courage that transcends generation 
🌼🍁 #LegacyOfValor #NeverForget


For more art 

check out this album.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Canada sends its best to help in Gaza

Once upon a time in Ottawa, there lived a mild-mannered sandwich maker named Melanie. Melanie. had a special talent – she could craft the most exquisite sandwiches that could bring tears of joy to anyone who took a bite. Little did he know that his sandwich-making skills would soon play a pivotal role in bringing peace to the Middle East.

One day, as Melanie was perfecting her art at her small sandwich shop, she received a mysterious letter. To her surprise, it was an invitation from world leaders in the Middle East, requesting her presence to help resolve their long-standing conflicts through the power of sandwiches. Intrigued and slightly confused, Melanie packed up her secret sauce and her trusty sandwich press and set off on a journey to make sandwiches for peace.

Upon arriving in the Middle East, Melanie was greeted by leaders from different nations who were tired of the endless disputes and conflicts. They hoped that the magic of Melanie's sandwiches could somehow bridge the gaps between them. Melanie., being the easygoing Canadian she was, agreed to give it a shot.

She set up her sandwich station in a neutral location, a giant picnic table in the desert. As leaders gathered around, Melanie began crafting sandwiches inspired by the diverse flavours of the region. She made falafel sandwiches with a maple syrup twist, hummus and poutine wraps, and even a shawarma poutine creation. The aromas wafted through the air, and tensions started to ease.

As the leaders bit into the sandwiches, they couldn't help but be delighted by the unexpected combinations. Laughter erupted, and discussions about the ingredients turned into talks about common ground. Melanie, with her infectious smile and sandwich diplomacy, managed to bring people together through the universal language of delicious food.

Word spread quickly, and soon people from all walks of life were joining the sandwich summit. Reporters, citizens, and even local musicians brought their instruments, turning the event into a Middle Eastern sandwich festival for peace.

In the end, the leaders signed a historic peace accord, officially naming Melanie as the "Sandwich Ambassador for Peace." Melanie. returned to Ottawa, humbly resuming her sandwich-making duties, but her legend lived on. The story of the Canadian sandwich maker who brought peace to the Middle East became a beloved tale, and every year, people from all over the world gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the Great Sandwich Summit.

And so, thanks to Melanie's sandwiches, the Middle East found a new recipe for peace, one that included a dash of humour, a sprinkle of understanding, and a generous helping of deliciousness.


Friday, August 4, 2023

CFN99 Aircraft nicknamed the Maple Guardian


Unicorn Fart Powered

In an era where environmental consciousness took flight, Canada proudly unveiled its latest achievement – the Maple Guardian Fleet, a squadron of cutting-edge fighter jets crafted entirely from recycled materials. This innovative initiative, backed by the government's commitment to sustainability, aimed not only to defend the nation but also to set a new standard for eco-friendly aviation.

Air Efficient Wing Pattern
Each Maple Guardian was meticulously engineered to be carbon neutral, leaving no environmental footprint in its mighty wake. The aircraft's wings, crafted from repurposed steel, soared through the skies as a symbol of Canada's dedication to combatting climate change. The cockpit, fitted with recycled glass panels, allowed pilots to navigate the heavens with a clear conscience.

Heated Wheels for Cold Runways

Powered by a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient engine, the Maple Guardian boasted speeds that rivaled traditional jets, proving that sustainability and strength could coexist. The government's investment in this project showcased a commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility, turning the Maple Guardian into a beacon of green progress.

The unveiling ceremony, attended by dignitaries and environmental activists alike, celebrated not only the technological prowess of the Maple Guardian Fleet but also Canada's dedication to a cleaner, greener future. The jets' maiden flight was broadcast globally, garnering praise for the nation's forward-thinking approach to defense and environmental stewardship.

2 Seat options for passenger travel

With the Maple Guardian Fleet patrolling the skies, Canada sent a powerful message – that even in matters of national security, environmental responsibility would remain a top priority. The government's promotion of these eco-friendly fighters marked a paradigm shift in military technology, heralding a new era where nations could defend their borders while also defending the planet. 🍁✈️🌿 #MapleGuardian #EcoFriendlyDefense

Monday, June 26, 2023

Featuring MPs around Canada

   Zara Zestful is a quirky clown who brings a burst of energy to the circus with her vibrant personality and love for all things tech. Dressed in a flamboyant Leisure Suit Larry-inspired outfit, Zara represents the tech-savvy and geeky minority segment of the population. With her oversized floppy disk hat and pixelated makeup, Zara combines humor with the latest gadgets to entertain and connect with audiences in a digital age. From juggling smartphones to performing mind-boggling virtual reality tricks, Zara is the clown who turns coding into comedy.

   Meet Ming Magnifique, the culinary connoisseur clown who spices up the circus with a dash of flavor and a pinch of mischief. Ming, representing the foodies and culinary enthusiasts, dons a Leisure Suit Larry-inspired outfit adorned with food-themed accessories. With a baguette wand and a soup pot hat, Ming juggles utensils and performs daring stunts involving gastronomic delights. This clown is a culinary genius, turning cooking into an art form and laughter into the best seasoning.


Raja Radiant is the embodiment of diversity, celebrating different cultures, languages, and traditions. Dressed in a flashy Leisure Suit Larry-inspired costume adorned with patterns and symbols from around the world, Raja captivates audiences with a kaleidoscope of colors and dances. Raja is the inclusive clown who bridges communities through laughter, showcasing the beauty of diversity and the joy of cultural exchange in every performance.

   Olly Outdoorsy is the adventurous clown who represents the love for the great outdoors and environmental stewardship. With a Leisure Suit Larry-inspired outfit featuring elements of nature, Olly captivates audiences with eco-friendly tricks and sustainable circus acts. Juggling recycled props and performing acrobatics on a unicycle made of bamboo, Olly spreads a message of environmental awareness while bringing smiles to faces. Olly is the clown who proves that laughter and a love for nature go hand in hand.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

That Convoy thing.


(Verse 1)

Well, we had a little convoy

Freedom truckin' through the night

Yeah, we had a little convoy

Ain't she a beautiful sight?

Come on and join our convoy

Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way

We gonna roll this Freedom convoy

'Cross the land, hear the people say


Convoying, convoying, here comes the Freedom convoy

Convoying, convoying, through the day and into the night

(Verse 2)

Mercer's on the radio, talkin' 'bout the Freedom show

We got a mighty convoy rockin' through the winter snow

Convoying for our freedom, yeah, we're standing strong

Got the whole world watching as we roll along


Convoying, convoying, here comes the Freedom convoy

Convoying, convoying, through the day and into the night


Breaker, breaker, check your mirrors, we're the Freedom brigade

With every honk and diesel roar, our message will cascade

Through the cities and the towns, we'll keep our convoy rollin' on

Freedom warriors united, until the break of dawn

(Verse 3)

From the east coast to the west, we're Freedom convoy blessed

Every rig and every pick-up, we won't settle for anything less

Freedom's in our engines, and it's running through our veins

No matter the obstacles, we'll conquer all terrains


Convoying, convoying, here comes the Freedom convoy

Convoying, convoying, through the day and into the night


So keep them wheels a-rolling, Freedom convoy on the run

We'll keep this convoy going until freedom's victory's won

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...