Thursday, March 9, 2023

That Time Llama and Al Paca Went Into a Bar

In the vibrant city of Machu Picchu, nestled high in the Andes, there was a legendary hash bar known as "Cloud Nine." It was a cozy, dimly lit establishment with an eclectic mix of patrons, from backpackers sharing travel tales to locals enjoying a laid-back evening. One day, a peculiar duo made their way into the bar, turning heads and sparking whispers among the patrons. It was none other than Lenny the Llama and Al Paca.

Lenny, the laid-back and carefree llama, and his partner in crime, Al Paca, a suave and sophisticated alpaca, had been traveling together for years. They were known for their adventures and the unconventional way they approached life. On this particular day, they decided to explore the local scene and ended up at Cloud Nine.

The pair strutted into the bar with an air of nonchalance, their fur impeccably groomed and their personalities radiating an undeniable charm. The patrons, initially surprised by the unusual guests, couldn't help but be captivated by the dynamic duo.

As Lenny and Al Paca settled into a corner booth, the bartender, accustomed to the diverse clientele of Cloud Nine, approached with a smile. "What can I get you two today?" he asked.

Lenny, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, replied, "We'll have your finest hay-infused smoothies, my good sir. And make it double, for the charm."

The bartender, chuckling at the unexpected request, crafted the hay-infused smoothies, ensuring they met the discerning taste of his unique customers. As Lenny and Al Paca sipped on their drinks, they engaged in casual banter with the other patrons, sharing tales of their adventures and the many lands they had traversed.

Word quickly spread through the city about the charismatic llama and alpaca holding court at Cloud Nine. The hash bar became the talk of Machu Picchu, attracting locals and tourists alike who were eager to witness the spectacle for themselves.
The night unfolded in a haze of laughter, camaraderie, and, of course, the distinct aroma of quality hash. Lenny and Al Paca, with their unmatched charisma, seamlessly integrated into the diverse tapestry of Cloud Nine, leaving an indelible mark on the memories of everyone present.

As the night wore on, the unlikely duo bid farewell to the hash bar, leaving behind a trail of smiles and a touch of magic in the air. The legend of Lenny the Llama and Al Paca's visit to Cloud Nine became a cherished tale in Machu Picchu, a story passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that the memory of that extraordinary evening lived on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to witness it.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Alexi - (To the tune of "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow)

Her name was Alexi, she was a tuxedo cat,

With a bow on her collar and a sleek fur mat,

She would strut through the room with a feline grace,

And everyone would stop to admire her face.

Alexi, Tuxedo Queen,

The fanciest feline you've ever seen,

With a purr that could charm the whole town,

Alexi, Tuxedo, wearing her bow so brown.

Her whiskers were like moonbeams in the night,

And her tail swayed to a rhythm so light,

She'd lounge on the windowsill, looking so divine,

A tuxedo cat, with a style so fine.

Alexi, Tuxedo delight,

Her elegance shimmered in the soft moonlight,

With a meow that could make hearts swoon,

Alexi, Tuxedo, under the stars and the moon.

She danced through the living room, with a bow on her back,

Leaving pawprints of glamour in her track,

Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glow,

Alexi, Tuxedo, stealing the show.

Alexi, Tuxedo so grand,

In a world of yarn balls, she ruled the land,

With a charm that could make hearts melt,

Alexi, Tuxedo, in her bow, she dwelt. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Characters that you Meet.- Lord of Disappointing Wolves

 Name: Lord of Disappointing Wolves

Lord of the Disappointing Wolves

Alias: The Dejected Alpha

DOB: Unknown

Species: Supernatural Being (Shape-shifter)


The Lord of Disappointing Wolves, a mysterious and enigmatic figure, is known to lead a pack of supernatural wolves. Legend has it that he gained his title due to his peculiar ability to induce a sense of letdown and dissatisfaction in those who cross his path.

Physical Description:

The Lord of Disappointing Wolves is said to possess an imposing and regal presence. In his human form, he is often described as having piercing, disillusioned eyes that seem to reflect centuries of weariness. His hair is as dark as the shadows he commands, and he carries an aura of silent disappointment.


1. Shapeshifting: The Lord of Disappointing Wolves can transform seamlessly between human and wolf forms, allowing him to move undetected in both realms.

2. Aura of Disappointment: Those who encounter him often experience an inexplicable sense of letdown, as if their expectations have been dashed.


The Lord of Disappointing Wolves is rumored to reside in the shadowy depths of ancient forests, where his pack of supernatural wolves roams freely. The exact location of his lair remains a closely guarded secret.

Known Associates:

The Disheartened Lupines - A pack of wolves with supernatural abilities, each carrying a touch of disappointment in their howls.


Approach with care, as prolonged exposure to the Lord of Disappointing Wolves may lead to a lingering sense of disillusionment. Keep expectations in check when venturing into territories rumored to be under his influence.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Latest Yoga Fad

 Introducing the latest sensation sweeping the Yogo circuit – The Canadian Taxpayer pose! Born out of the daily struggles and financial acrobatics of the average Canadian taxpayer, this pose perfectly captures the essence of balancing budgets, navigating through tax codes, and gracefully evading the hurdles of economic challenges.

**How to Master The Canadian Taxpayer Pose:**

1. **The Budget Stretch:** Begin in a seated position, stretching your arms wide to symbolize stretching your budget to cover all essential expenses. Bonus points for maintaining a calm expression despite the financial acrobatics.

2. **Tax Code Tango:** Transition into a lively dance move, incorporating intricate footwork reminiscent of navigating through the complexities of tax codes. Extra flair is achieved by gracefully avoiding potential deductions that might trip you up.

3. **Balance the Books:** Strike a pose balancing an imaginary book on your head, symbolizing the delicate act of balancing income and expenses. Maintain a focused gaze to convey the diligence required in financial management.

4. **Dollar Sign Flex:** Flex your biceps with a dollar sign emblazoned on them, showcasing the strength required to withstand economic pressures. Imagine lifting the weight of financial responsibilities with ease.

5. **Receipt Rapture:** Conclude the pose by tossing imaginary receipts into the air, letting them flutter down like confetti. This represents the bittersweet release of financial burdens, albeit temporarily.

Embrace The Canadian Taxpayer pose and show the world your financial prowess with a touch of humor. Remember, mastering this pose is not just an exercise in flexibility; it's a celebration of the resilience and resourcefulness that define the Canadian taxpayer spirit! 🇨🇦💪💸 #YogoMastery #CanadianTaxpayerPose

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Percepectives - Cold Hunger vs Warm Hunger

 There might be a perception that children in warm climates face more immediate and severe threats to their survival, such as lack of access to clean water, infectious diseases, and malnutrition. Warm climates can often exacerbate these challenges.

However, it's essential to recognize that children in cold climates face their own set of unique challenges, including harsh weather conditions, limited resources, and the need for proper clothing and heating. The disparity in attention and assistance might stem from varying levels of awareness, media coverage, and historical patterns of humanitarian aid distribution.

Ultimately, the goal should be to address the needs of all children, regardless of the climate they live in, and to promote a more inclusive and equitable approach to humanitarian efforts.

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...