Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Just be happy my dear and I shall be

Tunes for my Girl

1. **"Stairway to Heaven" - Led Zeppelin**
   Just like our journey together, this song is an epic adventure. Enjoy the stairway, my dear.

2. **"Sweet Child o' Mine" - Guns N' Roses**
   *You'll always be my sweet child. This one's for you, my love.*

3. **"Dream On" - Aerosmith**
   *Dream on, my daughter. Chase your dreams, and remember, I'm here cheering for you.*

4. **"Hotel California" - Eagles**
   *Life is a journey; sometimes, we're in a hotel, but you can check out anytime you like.*

5. **"Imagine" - John Lennon**
   *Imagine a world of possibilities, my dear. You have the power to make it happen.*

6. **"Time" - Pink Floyd**
   *Time keeps moving forward, but the memories we create last a lifetime.*

7. **"Blackbird" - The Beatles**
   *Spread your wings and fly, my blackbird. The sky's the limit.*

8. **"Angie" - The Rolling Stones**
   *Just like the song says, you're my Angie, my love.*

9. **"Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey**
   *No matter what, don't stop believing in yourself. You're capable of amazing things.*

10. **"Wish You Were Here" - Pink Floyd**
    *This one's for the moments we wish we could freeze in time.*

11. **"Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen**
    *A bit of rock opera for my rockstar daughter.*

12. **"The Sound of Silence" - Simon & Garfunkel**
    *Sometimes, the best conversations happen in silence. Love you.*

13. **"Born to Run" - Bruce Springsteen**
    *You were born to run, my dear. Run towards your dreams.*

14. **"Dust in the Wind" - Kansas**
    *Life is fleeting, but the impact we make can be everlasting.*

15. **"American Pie" - Don McLean**
    *A slice of American pie and a slice of our memories.*

16. **"Let It Be" - The Beatles**
    *When in doubt, let it be. Things have a way of working out.*

17. **"More Than a Feeling" - Boston**
    *Our bond is more than a feeling; it's a melody that never fades.*

18. **"The Weight" - The Band**
    *Lean on me whenever you need; you're never alone.*

19. **"I Want to Hold Your Hand" - The Beatles**
    *I still want to hold your hand, my forever little girl.*

20. **"Simple Man" - Lynyrd Skynyrd**
    *a simple kind of woman, my daughter. It suits you.*

21. **"Blowin' in the Wind" - Bob Dylan**
    *DThe answer, my dear, is blowin' in the wind. Seek and you shall find.*

22. **"Rocket Man" - Elton John**
    *Blast off into your adventures, my little rocket woman.*

23. **"Mrs. Robinson" - Simon & Garfunkel**
    *Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson, and to the timeless moments we share.*

24. **"Sweet Emotion" - Aerosmith**
    *Life is full of sweet emotions, my love. Embrace them all.*

25. **"All Along the Watchtower" - Jimi Hendrix**
    *As you navigate the watchtowers of life, know I'm always here for you.*


Friday, August 18, 2023

The Blue Llama - Skywalker Kush

In the vast expanse of the cosmic tapestry, where stars shimmered like distant dreams, there existed a character of unparalleled coolness named Maurice the Space Cowboy. His reputation echoed through the galaxies, whispered by stardust and carried on solar winds.

Maurice, sporting a spacesuit adorned with cosmic graffiti, navigated the celestial highways on the back of a colossal whale shark that effortlessly soared through the cosmic currents. His adventures were the stuff of legends, traversing nebulae, surfing solar flares, and engaging in interstellar dance-offs with extraterrestrial beings.

One of Maurice's closest companions was none other than the enigmatic Blue Llama, a cosmic creature with sunglasses perched perpetually on its snout. Together, they formed an intergalactic duo, exploring the mysteries of the universe and spreading their own brand of interstellar coolness.

In the Land of Gorf, where whimsy and wonder converged, Maurice found kindred spirits who embraced his adventurous spirit. They shared tales of cosmic exploits, sipped on meteorite-infused beverages, and danced under the interstellar glow of Gorfian auroras.

Maurice's legend grew with each cosmic escapade, earning him the admiration of celestial beings and the nickname "The Galactic Maverick." He became a symbol of free-spirited exploration, a beacon of coolness that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

And so, Maurice the Space Cowboy, with his trusty whale shark, continued to ride the cosmic waves, leaving behind a trail of stardust and cool vibes that resonated across the universe.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Characters you Meet - Bob

Bob, Bob, Bob he doesn’t like mosquitos,

Bob, Bob, Bob his favorite food is Dorito’s

Go Bob.

Friday, August 4, 2023

CFN99 Aircraft nicknamed the Maple Guardian


Unicorn Fart Powered

In an era where environmental consciousness took flight, Canada proudly unveiled its latest achievement – the Maple Guardian Fleet, a squadron of cutting-edge fighter jets crafted entirely from recycled materials. This innovative initiative, backed by the government's commitment to sustainability, aimed not only to defend the nation but also to set a new standard for eco-friendly aviation.

Air Efficient Wing Pattern
Each Maple Guardian was meticulously engineered to be carbon neutral, leaving no environmental footprint in its mighty wake. The aircraft's wings, crafted from repurposed steel, soared through the skies as a symbol of Canada's dedication to combatting climate change. The cockpit, fitted with recycled glass panels, allowed pilots to navigate the heavens with a clear conscience.

Heated Wheels for Cold Runways

Powered by a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient engine, the Maple Guardian boasted speeds that rivaled traditional jets, proving that sustainability and strength could coexist. The government's investment in this project showcased a commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility, turning the Maple Guardian into a beacon of green progress.

The unveiling ceremony, attended by dignitaries and environmental activists alike, celebrated not only the technological prowess of the Maple Guardian Fleet but also Canada's dedication to a cleaner, greener future. The jets' maiden flight was broadcast globally, garnering praise for the nation's forward-thinking approach to defense and environmental stewardship.

2 Seat options for passenger travel

With the Maple Guardian Fleet patrolling the skies, Canada sent a powerful message – that even in matters of national security, environmental responsibility would remain a top priority. The government's promotion of these eco-friendly fighters marked a paradigm shift in military technology, heralding a new era where nations could defend their borders while also defending the planet. 🍁✈️🌿 #MapleGuardian #EcoFriendlyDefense

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...