Friday, November 17, 2023

The Maple Monkey


A Maple Monkey, if it existed, might be a small, agile primate with a coat of fur in varying shades of maple syrup brown. Its tail could be long and prehensile, helping it swing gracefully from tree to tree in the Canadian wilderness. The Maple Monkey's eyes could be large and expressive, reflecting intelligence and curiosity. Perhaps, it would have distinctive facial features, including a button-like nose and round ears. Its diet might consist of a combination of maple leaves, fruits, and, of course, a taste for maple syrup. This whimsical creature would embody the spirit of Canada, blending sweetness and playfulness in the heart of the maple-filled forests. 🐒🍁

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Land of Gorf Supports Israel with Musical Vibes

 1. **Rush - "The Spirit of Radio" (Canada)**

   *Commentary:* Kicking off with Rush, a band synonymous with Canadian rock, we set a tone of enthusiasm and unity, echoing the spirit that radio and music can bring to soldiers preparing for battle.

2. **AC/DC - "For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)" (Australia)**

   *Commentary:* Australia's AC/DC provides a powerful anthem, saluting the troops about to embark on a mission. The roaring guitars and strong rhythm mirror the intensity of the moment.

3. **Led Zeppelin - "Immigrant Song" (UK)**

   *Commentary:* From the UK, Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" adds a touch of Norse mythology, igniting a warrior's spirit and signaling the call to action.

4. **Bruce Springsteen - "Born in the U.S.A." (USA)**

   *Commentary:* Springsteen's iconic anthem reflects the American spirit, emphasizing pride and resilience, qualities that soldiers carry into battle.

5. **Midnight Oil - "Power and the Passion" (Australia)**

   *Commentary:* Midnight Oil's politically charged track speaks to the power dynamics at play, resonating with the soldiers about to engage in a battle for freedom and justice.

6. **The Rolling Stones - "Paint It, Black" (UK)**

   *Commentary:* The Rolling Stones' intense "Paint It, Black" sets a dramatic atmosphere, symbolizing the transformation soldiers undergo as they prepare for the challenges ahead.

7. **Neil Young - "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World" (Canada)**

   *Commentary:* Neil Young's commentary on the state of the world adds depth to the playlist, encouraging soldiers to keep fighting for a free and just world.

8. **Dio - "Holy Diver" (USA)**

   *Commentary:* Dio's "Holy Diver" adds a mystical element, urging soldiers to dive into the unknown with courage and determination.

9. **AC/DC - "High Voltage" (Australia)**

   *Commentary:* Another hit from AC/DC, "High Voltage" brings an electrifying energy, symbolizing the power and strength of the troops.

10. **The Who - "Baba O'Riley" (UK)**

    *Commentary:* The Who's "Baba O'Riley" captures the essence of a generation, echoing the rebellious spirit that soldiers carry into battle.

11. **Bryan Adams - "Run to You" (Canada)**

    *Commentary:* Bryan Adams' rock anthem adds a sense of urgency, reflecting the determination and commitment of soldiers as they face the challenges ahead.

12. **Men at Work - "Down Under" (Australia)**

    *Commentary:* Men at Work's upbeat anthem provides a brief moment of levity, reminding soldiers of the home they fight to protect.

13. **Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - "I Won't Back Down" (USA)**

    *Commentary:* Tom Petty's defiant message resonates with soldiers, emphasizing their unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.

14. **The Guess Who - "American Woman" (Canada)**

    *Commentary:* The Guess Who's "American Woman" adds a touch of irony, highlighting the complexity of international relations and the sacrifices made by soldiers.

15. **INXS - "Devil Inside" (Australia)**

    *Commentary:* INXS's hit intensifies the mood, reminding soldiers of the internal struggles they may face and the need to overcome them.

16. **The Doors - "Break On Through (To the Other Side)" (USA)**

    *Commentary:* The Doors' psychedelic rock anthem encourages soldiers to break through barriers and face the unknown.

17. **Rush - "Red Barchetta" (Canada)**

    *Commentary:* Rush's narrative-driven track adds a storytelling element, creating a vivid mental image for soldiers preparing for battle.

18. **Cold Chisel - "Khe Sanh" (Australia)**

    *Commentary:* Cold Chisel's reflective track pays homage to the soldiers' experiences, acknowledging the challenges they may encounter.

9. **The Police - "Synchronicity II" (UK)**

    *Commentary:* The Police's complex and atmospheric track adds a layer of reflection, exploring the duality of the soldier's existence.

20. **Jimi Hendrix - "Star Spangled Banner" (USA)**

    *Commentary:* Closing with Hendrix's iconic rendition of the national anthem, we pay tribute to the soldiers and their commitment to defending their nations.

Feel free to share your thoughts or make adjustments to the playlist!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Tribute Baby Please Don’t Go - Big Joe behind the wheel of a Plymouth Fury 3

The first time I heard "Baby, Please Don't Go," it hit me like a musical thunderbolt. The bluesy riffs grabbed hold of my ears, and before I knew it, my head was involuntarily bobbing like a nodding dog on a dashboard. The raw, soulful vocals penetrated my musical soul, and I couldn't escape the infectious groove. Little did I know that this seemingly straightforward plea would evolve into one of the world's most covered earworms, infiltrating genres and artists across the musical spectrum. From Muddy Waters to AC/DC, each rendition brought its unique flavor, turning a simple request into a timeless musical journey. It's like the universal anthem of pleading not to go, and I can't help but smile every time it sneaks into my playlist, proving that some earworms are just too good to resist.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Zeppelin Tribute

"Stairway to High Times"

There's a lady who's sure all that glows is green,

And she's planting a stairway to high times.

When she gets there she knows, the dank buds will gleam,

With a toke, sweet Mary Jane aligns.

If you blaze too much, you'll soon find your way,

Through the haze of the lady's green tower.

On her stairway to high times, she leads you astray,

With the puff, magic herbs empower.

There's a sign on the wall, but she wants you to burn,

In her garden of earthly delights.

Sometimes all of our thoughts, they misguide us,

And whispers of weed fill the night.

If you're blazing and brave, then join in her rhyme,

There's still time to change your highway.

She's planting a stairway to high times,

With the ganja, she shows you the way.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Thoughts on Remembrance Day in 2023

Standing on the precipice of Remembrance, t

Sad Shark

he eve laden with memories of a Cold War veteran, I find myself navigating a labyrinth of emotions, each turn revealing the tempest that silently rages beneath a veneer of calm. It's a journey where heightened senses tune into shadows and echoes, reminiscent of thunder, a symphony of anxiety triggered by innocuous sights, sounds, or scents. 

Haunting memories become ghosts in the corridors of my mind, turning every waking moment into a spectral encounter. Even sleep, my sanctuary, transforms into a battleground of nightmares. The brightest moments are tinged with a looming darkness, a constant reminder that scars run deep. 

the extinc Peacekeeper

Yet, amid this struggle, resilience emerges – a glimmer of hope that one day, the tempest may abate, and healing may embrace the wounded soul. As I reflect on my own battles, I can't help but draw parallels to the resilient spirits of the children of veterans. Like dandelions in the wind, they adapt to life's capricious winds, shining brightly in the spring, standing strong through the endless summer, and ensuring that, like poppies in a field, the sacrifices and stories of valor endure. In honoring them, we honor a legacy of courage that transcends generation 
🌼🍁 #LegacyOfValor #NeverForget


For more art 

check out this album.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The soldier, weary and worn, trudges through the battlefield,

His heart pounding, his body aching, his spirit never healed. In this land of chaos, where danger lurks at every turn, He seeks solace, finding strength in the lessons he's learned.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for my rifle is my righteous weapon," he says under his breath. With each step, he marches on, with a purpose and a goal, Protecting his comrades, fighting for a cause that takes its toll.

He knows the horrors of war, the nightmares that haunt his sleep, But he clings to hope, for in his heart, faith runs deep. Beside him, his brothers stand, an unbreakable bond, Facing adversity together, in this cruel and unforgiving pond.

He longs for moments of respite, a chance to catch his breath, To find peace amidst the chaos, to escape the grip of death. "Lead me beside still waters," he pleads to the heavens above, Craving tranquility in a world fueled by hatred and love.

In the midst of the battleground, he finds a moment of peace, Amidst the chaos and destruction, a glimmer of release. He feels the presence of a higher power, a guiding light, Restoring his weary soul, giving him strength to continue the fight.

He knows that danger lurks just beyond the next hill, But he finds solace in the knowledge that he is never alone, still. "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me," he whispers with conviction, Trusting in a power greater than himself, finding solace in its depiction.

In the face of adversity, he stands tall and strong, For he knows that his purpose is to right the world's wrongs. With unwavering faith and a heart filled with resolve, He walks through the darkness, knowing that he will evolve.

Though the path may be treacherous, filled with trials and despair, He remains steadfast, knowing that someone out there cares. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life," He holds onto this promise, amidst the chaos and strife.

And when his days as a soldier come to an end, He'll look back at the battles fought, the wounds that never mend. But he'll know that he gave his all, fought with every ounce of might, And he'll find peace in knowing that he fought the good fight.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Kitty Kat’s Halloween

(Verse 1)

Wake up in the morning and I stumble out of bed,

Gotta grab my shotgun, put a helmet on my head.

Zombies outside, moaning in the street,

Gotta be quick on my feet, can't accept defeat.


What's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

I said, what's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

Watch out Zombie Cat, don't scratch me like that,

I'm just trying to survive in this undead spat.

(Verse 2)

They're lurking in the alleys, creeping 'round the bend,

Zombie Cat with glowing eyes, time to make amends.

Got my crossbow ready, arrows in the air,

Gotta hit the mark, show 'em I don't care.


What's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

I said, what's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

Watch out Zombie Cat, don't leap and attack,

I'm just dodging zombies, trying to stay intact.


In this apocalyptic town, where the dead roam free,

Zombie Cat, you're looking hungry, but you won't catch me.

I'll climb the highest rooftop, I'll jump the widest gap,

Watch out Zombie Cat, you can't close this gap.

(Verse 3)

Through abandoned buildings and the streets of dread,

Zombie Cat chasing, hunger in its head.

I found a safe haven, barricaded up tight,

Zombie Cat scratching, but it can't get a bite.


What's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

I said, what's up Zombie Cat? Whoa, whoa, whoa,

Watch out Zombie Cat, I'm closing the door,

I'll survive this night, I'll fight a bit more.


As the sun rises, and the undead retreat,

I'll keep on moving, with quick and nimble feet.

What's up Zombie Cat? You're just a part of the spat,

In this zombie-filled world, where survival is a fact.

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...