Monday, November 27, 2023

My Member of Parliament is Outstanding

Well in a field by himself. but outstanding netherless.

Oh, Member of Parliament , you're a beacon of brilliance,

Liberal Puppet SP Mark Gerrettson

Your wisdom, a guiding star in our political resilience.

Your eloquence, a symphony of sheer intellect,

Each word you utter, a gem, we must not forget.

With every speech, you enlighten our simple minds,

A maestro of governance, in your brilliance, one finds.

Your decisions, a dance of strategic finesse,

Oh, how fortunate we are to witness your political prowess.

Your promises, like unicorns, so rare and enchanting,

In the realm of accountability, you're truly outstanding.

Oh, representative supreme, your arrogance, a crown,

In the kingdom of self-importance, you'll never let us down.


Liberal Puppet SP Mark Gerrettson

Your constituents, mere mortals, stand in awe,

As you grace us with your presence, flawless and raw.

Oh, how we cherish the crumbs of your attention,

A gift, a privilege, beyond our comprehension.

So here's to you, dear representative divine,

In your grandeur, let our adulation shine.

May your reign be eternal, your speeches never-ending,

For in your presence, our minds are forever bending.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Peace in the Middle East - is the Local Economy


Once more, we are urging for a ceasefire—not merely a temporary pause. We embark on this plea cognizant of the fact that our fathers, and potentially we ourselves, have committed to multiple United Nations missions. Some return with memories that resonate positively, while others carry burdens that time won't erase. Some, tragically, give their all.

In undertaking these missions, we recognize that the frequency and intensity may surpass that of our fathers. This time, we have brought our sisters into the fold, only to return not only to an ungrateful nation but also to an uncontrollable, escalating specter, making generational trauma appear feeble in the realm of medical understanding.

We embark on these endeavors fully aware that our own children have, and some already continue to, engage in multiple peacekeeping missions. Our descendants find themselves cleaning up the mistakes of Great-Granddaddy, and yet, no one has declared, "Enough is enough." If Gaza refuses to acknowledge that terrorism and its tactics are a stain on the civilized world, why should we accept that peace is a tangible reality?

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Inside Track

 In the whimsical world of fictional physics, the red piss ant's tripped brain idea-powered motorcycle faces a peculiar challenge when attempting to traverse a full loop of a Froot Loop. You see, the Froot Loop, despite its deliciously colorful and enticing appearance, possesses a unique curvature that interacts with the quantum fluctuations generated by the ant's tripped-out brain.

As the motorcycle zooms towards the loop, the ant's brain, fueled by its psychedelic escapades, inadvertently influences the gravitational constants within the Froot Loop vicinity. This causes a distortion in the space-time fabric, creating a localized wormhole that the motorcycle can't quite navigate. The ant, though possessing a groovy sense of direction in its altered state, finds itself stuck in a loop within the loop, reminiscent of a surreal time loop.

In this bizarre twist of fictional physics, the motorcycle and its ant rider end up in a perpetual journey through the psychedelic dimensions of the Froot Loop, forever enjoying the hallucinogenic wonders within the fruity confines of their cosmic loop adventure. 🍭🏍️🤯 #FrootLoopPhysics

Friday, November 24, 2023

Harmony Amidst Chaos

 "Harmony Amidst Chaos"

As a veteran of three Peacekeeping Era tours, I find myself grappling with the complexities of Gaza. Inspired by Chris De Burgh's poignant "Spanish Train," which portrays the Lord and Devil locked in a tragic chess game with the bodies of souls, I've channeled my emotions into a digital art piece.

This artwork serves as a visual exploration of the delicate balance between empathy, concern, and a resounding call for peace. The symbolism within the piece reflects the profound impact of geopolitical conflicts on the lives of innocent civilians.

As a veteran intimately familiar with the challenges faced in achieving peace, I must express a somber perspective. This art piece, while theoretical, encapsulates the harsh reality that, in some instances, the path to peace might involve difficult decisions. In my experience, achieving lasting peace in Gaza may necessitate confronting and dismantling entities that perpetuate conflict.

The juxtaposition of the Lord and Devil playing chess serves as a metaphor for the complex power dynamics at play in the region. The ultimate goal, as depicted in the art, is to disrupt this destructive game and pave the way for a harmonious resolution.

It is my sincere hope that this artwork sparks conversations about the intricate web of emotions, challenges, and potential solutions surrounding the situation in Gaza, emphasizing the critical need for a lasting and genuine peace.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gather around the fire and I’ll tell you a tale about Garfield, The Eater of Lasagnas


Amidst the remnants of the culinary battlefield, where the savory aroma of lasagna lingered in the air, Garfield basked in the glory of his triumph. The defeated adversaries, once formidable foes in the lasagna wars, now lay scattered like discarded garlic bread crusts. Garfield, renowned for his insatiable appetite and cunning strategy, had emerged as the last man standing for his side.

YK151 as Jotunn arrives

The battle had raged for hours, with lasagna trays clashing and tomato sauce splattering in every direction. Garfield's adversaries, fueled by a misguided desire to dethrone the lasagna connoisseur, underestimated his prowess. In the final moments, as the cheesy dust settled, it became clear that Garfield's love for lasagna was not just a gastronomic preference but a source of formidable power.

With a triumphant smirk on his orange-furred face, Garfield surveyed the scene. His stomach, a bottomless pit of lasagna-fueled energy, had propelled him to victory. The defeated foes could only gaze in awe at the lasagna champion, who now stood as a symbol of culinary might.

As the tales of this epic lasagna battle spread far and wide, whispers of Garfield's legendary battle cry — "do you even JÖTUNN?" — echoed in kitchens and dining rooms across the land. Garfield, the unsung hero of the lasagna wars, had etched his name into the annals of culinary history, forever celebrated for his prowess on the battlefield and his unyielding love for layers of cheesy goodness. And so, by the fireside, the legend of Garfield, the Eater of Lasagna, lived on.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Super Pigs reading for Invasion to the USA


In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the forefront of genetic engineering have unveiled a new breed of pigs dubbed "Super Pigs." These porcine marvels have been genetically modified to possess extraordinary intelligence, resilience, and even some surprising abilities. Super Pigs are reportedly capable of problem-solving tasks, demonstrating cognitive skills that rival certain primates. Furthermore, their adaptability to various environments and resistance to common pig diseases have raised hopes for more sustainable and efficient pig farming.

The Super Pigs, designed with enhanced muscle structure, have also become adept at performing specialized tasks. Some have been trained to assist in search and rescue missions, utilizing their intelligence to locate missing persons. Additionally, these remarkable pigs have exhibited an uncanny ability to detect certain medical conditions, paving the way for innovative approaches in healthcare.

However, the unveiling of Super Pigs has sparked a global debate on ethical and environmental implications. Critics express concerns about the potential unintended consequences of tampering with nature, while proponents argue that these genetically modified pigs could revolutionize agriculture and contribute to advancements in fields beyond farming. As discussions unfold, the world watches in awe at the dawn of a new era in genetic engineering and the extraordinary capabilities of the Super Pigs.

Memories of the Rat Race


Hump Day, colloquially known as Wednesday, carries with it a unique psychological weight that often manifests in subtle yet pervasive stress. Positioned at the midpoint of the workweek, it becomes a symbolic crest to conquer, a proverbial hill to climb. The initial enthusiasm of the week's commencement has waned, and the approaching weekend feels simultaneously distant and tantalizingly close. This temporal paradox contributes to a peculiar blend of restlessness and anticipation, intensifying the pressures of professional and personal responsibilities. The horrors of Hump Day are not necessarily explicit; instead, they dwell in the underlying tension, a psychological hump to surmount before the liberating descent toward the weekend.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Land of Gorf weighs in on the Budget Update

"Okay, folks, gather 'round. We got a serious spectral issue here, and it's not some slimy green ghost wreaking havoc. No, it's something far scarier – the lack of budgetary balance. I've been busting ghosts for decades, but this, this is a whole new level of spooky.

You see, in the real world, we're haunted by these things called deficits. Yeah, they're like the ghosts of overspending past, present, and future. And let me tell ya, they're scarier than anything that ever crawled out of a haunted painting.

Now, I'm no financial expert, but even a guy who battles Stay Puft Marshmallow Men for a living can see when the numbers don't add up. It's like trying to catch Slimer with a butterfly net – frustrating and messy.

So, here we are, facing a budget that's more unbalanced than my golf swing after a night at the club. We're hemorrhaging money like a proton pack with a leak, and it's time to get our fiscal house in order. I mean, do we really want our economy to look like the aftermath of a ghost apocalypse?

I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, but nothing quite as bone-chilling as the national debt clock ticking away. We need to reel it in, tighten our belts, or whatever metaphor you want to use. Otherwise, we'll be facing a financial doomsday that not even the Ghostbusters can handle.

It's time to stop ghosting the issue and tackle it head-on. Balancing the budget may not be as exciting as zapping ghosts, but trust me, it's the real villain in this story. So, let's grab our fiscal proton packs, cross the streams of responsible spending, and save the day before we're all stuck in a never-ending loop of economic horror.

Monday, November 20, 2023

It’s 4:20 do you know where the Blue Llama happens.

Attention, citizens! It's that time of the year again, and we're here with an important announcement. It's 420, and we have a pressing question for you: Do you know where the Blue Llama is today?

We're not talking about your typical lost llama situation; we're talking about a legendary, chill, and possibly cosmic Blue Llama. While most folks are on a quest for enlightenment or perhaps just a snack, we're focused on locating our four-legged friend who may have taken a detour on the path to serenity.

If you have any leads, sightings, or just want to share your own 420 escapades, drop us a line. Remember, a world with a found Blue Llama is a happier world. Stay mellow, and happy 420! 

🌿✌️#FindTheBlueLlama #420Adventures


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Iron Banner turns a Wolf into a Pussy

Once upon a time, in the realm of the Iron Lords, there lived a Titan named "DontGoOutSad190," or so the bards sang. Bravely bold Sir Sean, as he was known, rode forth from Zone to Zone, or at least that's what the tales would have you believe. He professed not to fear death, singing the brave anthem, but when true peril loomed, he displayed a courage more befitting a frightened rabbit and we ain’t talking killer rabbit type either than a valiant Titan.

Oh, brave Sir Sean, not afraid to die, the bards sung. Yet, when faced with the gruesome prospects of being mashed into a pulp, eyes gouged out, or limbs hacked and mangled, the gallant façade crumbled. His head unsmashed, his heart untouched, and his liver unharmed, the cowardly Sir Sean chose the path of least resistance.

"That's, that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot," he exclaimed, abruptly ending the heroic narrative, leaving behind a legacy of swift retreats and unfulfilled bravado. In the saga of the Iron Lords, the tale of DontGoOutSad190 stood as a stark reminder that not all knights are cut from the same fearless cloth. Brave Sir Sean, a moniker misplaced, forever known for bravely running away.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dating Profile for Jesus

 Name: Jesus

Age: Mid-30s (eternally youthful)

Occupation: Savior of Humanity

About Me: 

Greetings, I'm Jesus, your friendly neighborhood miracle worker. I enjoy spreading love, kindness, and the occasional parable. Currently, I'm a bit lonely, only rocking 12 followers, so I'm looking to expand my social circle. In my free time, you can catch me exchanging honeybuns, turning water into wine, and perfecting the art of walking on water – though it did cost me a follower and a spleen during a tiff with the Romans. I'm not a fan of doing dishes, so expect lots of dining out. Dislikes include Romans, spears, and thorny crowns.

Fun Fact: I can make a mean fish taco out of, well, a few fish and some loaves of bread. Let's turn this water into a wining date! 🍷✨ #MiracleMatch #SaviorSeekingLove

Hit me up on the Playstation Network.

"Occupation: Space Cowboy" – A Riveting Journey into the Cosmos with the Marines

Greetings, space enthusiasts and documentary aficionados! Today, we're thrilled to share an exciting preview of the upcoming documentary...